ALP wins McEwen in federal election

Written By Unknown on Senin, 23 September 2013 | 15.03

Labor's Rob Mitchell has retained the Victorian seat of McEwen by 345 votes. Source: AAP

LABOR has held onto the Victorian seat of McEwen in the federal election.

Counting is complete in the central Victorian seat and Labor MP Rob Mitchell has retained it by 345 votes.

ALP Victorian assistant state secretary Kosmos Samaras said the party was declaring the seat.

"We're very pleased, under the circumstances, to hold onto that seat," Mr Samaras said on Monday.

Liberal candidate Donna Petrovich has released a statement conceding defeat.

"I congratulate Rob Mitchell on retaining the seat of McEwen," Ms Petrovich said.

McEwen was the final Victorian seat to be decided in the federal election.

Ms Petrovich spoke to Mr Mitchell and conceded defeat on Monday, Mr Mitchell said on Twitter.

"I appreciated her taking the time to call and wish her well in the future," he said in his message.

Ms Petrovich, who gave up her upper house Victorian seat to contest the federal seat of McEwen, said she had no regrets.

"Leaving the state parliament to contest the federal seat of McEwen was driven by my desire to continue serving the community and deliver real outcomes for this diverse region," she said.

Mr Samaras said despite the McEwen win, the party would have to do some soul-searching after a 10 per cent swing against Mr Mitchell was recorded in the seat.

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ALP wins McEwen in federal election

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