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US driver survives plunge off cliff

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013 | 15.02

A driver who survived a 90-metre plunge told rescuers he intentionally drove off the ocean cliff. Source: AAP A DRIVER who plunged 90 metres off a Southern California ocean cliff was rescued after firefighters waded into the surf to free...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

China one-child policy change approved

CHINA'S top legislature has sanctioned the ruling Communist Party's decision to allow couples to have a second child if one parent is an only child. It's the first major easing in three decades of the restrictive national birth planning policy....
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

SA bushfire under control

A serious bushfire south of Adelaide has been contained the Country Fire Service says. Source: AAP FIREFIGHTERS have protected a South Australian country town from an out-of-control bushfire, with two fire crew volunteers injured while quelling...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Port Hedland evacuates due to cyclone

A cyclone warning has been issued for coastal areas along Western Australia's northern coast. Source: AAP SHIPS are being moved from a major port in Western Australia ahead of a developing tropical cyclone expected to hit on Saturday night....
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Union blasts Vic govt over ambo ads

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 27 Desember 2013 | 15.02

The ambulance union and the Victorian opposition have slammed state government ads as a waste. Source: AAP THE Victorian opposition and the ambulance union have criticised state government advertisements labelling a pay offer to paramedics...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Xenophon too greedy over Xmas: Palmer

Senator Nick Xenophon has called for Clive Palmer (pic) to release details of his Senate deal. Source: AAP CLIVE Palmer says Nick Xenophon is being greedy if he expects to get everything on his Christmas list. Senator Xenophon called for...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Taxi smashes into Sydney bank

A taxi driver who ploughed his cab through the front of a bank in Sydney's CBD has been fined. Source: AAP A TAXI driver who ploughed his cab through the front of a bank in Sydney's CBD has been fined. The driver, 67, drove his cab into...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Thieves target Prada in Melbourne

Thieves have raided the Prada store in Melbourne, stealing goods worth tens of thousands of dollars. Source: AAP THIEVES have smashed their way into a high-end Melbourne fashion store, stealing goods worth tens of thousands of dollars in...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Motorcyclist dies in Alice Springs crash

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Desember 2013 | 15.02

A 24-year-old man died after losing control of his motorcycle on a dirt road in Alice Springs. Source: AAP A 24-YEAR-OLD man died after a single motorcycle crash in Alice Springs. Police say the man lost control on a dirt road and hit...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Woman leaves toddler in car, goes shopping

A woman is expected to face charges after leaving a child locked in the car while she went shopping. Source: AAP A WOMAN is expected to face charges after leaving a 17-month-boy locked in the car while she went shopping for the Boxing Day...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Toddler saved after falling into pool

A QUICK-THINKING family member used CPR to save a toddler who fell into a pool on the NSW Central Coast. The two-year-old girl was pulled unconscious from the backyard pool on Thursday afternoon, but she was breathing by the time paramedics...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nine road deaths dampen festive season

NINE people have died on Australian roads this festive season, including two friends killed in a single-vehicle incident in NSW on Boxing Day. A man, 31, was thrown from the vehicle and died at the scene of the crash on the NSW Central Coast....
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Man badly burned preparing Christmas lunch

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 25 Desember 2013 | 15.02

A NSW man was airlifted to a burns unit after being injured in an explosion while preparing lunch. Source: AAP A NSW man is being airlifted to a specialist burns unit after being injured in an explosion while he prepared Christmas lunch....
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

WA police concerned for missing woman

Police are concerned for a woman who disappeared from Albany, a day after arriving from Queensland. Source: AAP POLICE are concerned for a 79-year-old woman who disappeared from Albany on Christmas Eve, a day after arriving from Queensland....
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

Locals help out after Grinch steals gifts

GENEROUS people have been playing Santa and dropping off gifts for two Victorian families whose gifts were stolen from under their Christmas trees. Police at Wodonga near the Victoria-NSW border are calling the thefts "an unthinkable act of...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More

AmEx to pay $US75.7m in settlement

American Express will pay at least $US75.7m over what authorities say was misleading marketing. Source: AAP AMERICAN Express has agreed to pay at least $US75.7 million ($A84.92 million) to end an investigation into what regulators say was...
15.02 | 0 komentar | Read More
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