Al-Qaeda gunmen kill Yemeni spy

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 20 April 2013 | 15.02

SUSPECTED al-Qaeda militants have shot dead a Yemeni intelligence officer in Mukalla, capital of the southeastern Hadramawt province, says a security official.

"Al-Qaeda gunmen on a motorbike opened fire on the officer, Ibrahim Bameshel, as we was on his way back home, killing him immediately," the official told AFP on Saturday, adding that the assailants had fled.

Al-Qaeda militants were driven out of most of their strongholds in Yemen's south last June in an all-out offensive by government forces aided by local "resistance committees".

But local sources say jihadists from the al-Qaeda linked Ansar al-Sharia group have started distributing posters and leaflets in several towns across the province threatening members of the security forces and urging jihad.

Some of their posters showed pictures of masked gunmen on motorbikes.

Police and army officers come under frequent attack, with authorities blaming al-Qaeda for the assaults usually carried out by gunmen on unregistered motorbikes.

In a bid to clamp down on the increasing number of such attacks, authorities launched a campaign earlier this year ordering unlicensed bikes off the streets.

The militants took advantage of the weakness of Yemen's central government during a 2011 uprising against now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh to seize large swathes of territory across the south, including most of Abyan province, which they controlled for a year.

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