SA opts into full disability scheme

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 18 April 2013 | 15.02

South Australia has agreed to fully implement the national disability insurance scheme. Source: AAP

SOUTH Australia has agreed to fully implement the national disability insurance scheme, DisabilityCare Australia, extending the benefits to 33,000 people across the state, Premier Jay Weatherill says.

South Australia was the first to sign up to the federal plan, with a trial to focus on children to begin in July this year until 2016.

The state government will now transition to the full scheme by the end of 2018-19.

Mr Weatherill says DisabilityCare Australia will make a massive difference to the lives of people with disabilities.

"People will get funding for all the services they need and will be empowered to choose for themselves the services they want," he said.

"It will recognise that, for some people, a disability is for a lifetime, so will take a lifetime approach to providing care and support, including intensive early support."

Under DisabilityCare Australia, South Australia's annual funding for disability services will grow from $345 million at present to $723 million in 2018.

The federal government will also contribute $760 million, taking total funding in SA to more than $1.4 billion.

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SA opts into full disability scheme

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